



The Central Commission of Graduate Studies-CCPG of the State University of Campinas, in the use of its legal attributions, as approved in its 08th Regulatory Session, of October 1st, 2022, issues the following Deliberation:

Article 1º – The Graduate Program in Ecology, at master’s and doctorate level, taught by the Institute of Biology, will be governed by the Norms of the General Rules of the Graduate Courses of UNICAMP, Resolution CONSU-A-10/2015 of 11/08/2015, by this Regulation and by specific legislations in force.


On the Objectives and Titles

Article 2º – The Graduate Program stricto sensu of the Institute of Biology aims to qualify researchers, professors, and other professionals in the area of Ecology.

Article 3º – The Graduate Program in Ecology is composed of Master’s and Doctorate courses in the following areas: Ecology; Systematics and Evolution.

Sole paragraph – The dissolution of areas and creation of new areas of concentration may be proposed at any time to the higher levels.

Article 4º – Master’s and Doctorate Courses lead to Master’s degrees in Ecology and PhD’s in Ecology, respectively, without the former necessarily being a prerequisite for the second.

The titles of Master and PhD in Ecology will be awarded in the following areas: Ecology; Systematics and Evolution.

Article 5º – The graduate courses stricto sensu are free of charge.


On the Administrative Structure

Section I

On the Graduate Commission – CPG and Graduate Program Committee

Article 6º – The activities of the Graduate Program of the Institute of Biology will be supervised by the Graduate Commission – CPG, auxiliary body of the Congregation.

Article 7º – The Congregation of the Institute of Biology that oversees the Graduate Program in Ecology will appoint a CPPG Program Committee, which will be coordinated by a professor or researcher of the Pq Career program of the Unicamp Staff, with at least a PhD title, who will represent him/herself before the Graduate Commission of the Unit and may also represent the Program with agencies outside Unicamp.

§1º – The Graduate Program Committee will be composed of: a coordinator, a permanent Professor of the PPG in Ecology, by three permanent faculty members of the Program, being two full members and one alternate, and by the student representation, composed of one full member and one alternate, being students regularly enrolled in the Program.

§2º –The term of office of the faculty members, full and alternates, and the Coordinator of the Graduate Program Committee- CPPG will be two years, and those of the student representatives will be one year, allowing, in each case, a single successive reappointment.

§3º – The election of the members of the Program Committee will be done following the rules and deliberation of votes specified in Normative Instruction 07 approved for this purpose and approved by the CPG-IB and Congregation.

§4º – The Congregation of the Institute of Biology must communicate to the Central Graduate Commission- CCPG the constitution of the Ecology Program Committee and its amendments.

Article 8º – The Graduate Program Committee – CPPG is responsible for advising the CPG and the Unit’s Congregation in the activities specified in Deliberation CONSU-A-10-2015.



On the Deadlines

Article 9º – The Master’s and Doctorate Courses will have a minimum duration of twelve and twenty-four months, respectively.

Single paragraph. The minimum duration requirement will be considered fulfilled for the student who has attended two and four full regular academic semesters, respectively.

Article 10º– The maximum duration of the Master’s in Ecology course will be 5 regular academic semesters and the Doctorate in Ecology will be 9 regular academic semesters, which defines the deadline for completing the Program, which, if exceeded, will result in the automatic cancellation of enrollment of the student in the course.

Article 11 – At the request of the advisor and after analysis by the Graduate Program Committee – CPPG and/or Graduate Committee – CPG, the student whose enrollment was canceled for exceeding the maximum duration, may exceptionally enroll once again, exclusively for the defense of a dissertation or thesis, which must be done within a period of up to six months after the reenrollment, provided that, cumulatively, they meet the following requirements:

I – have completed all credits;

II – have passed the foreign language test;

III – have passed a Qualifcation Exam;

IV – have completed writing the dissertation or thesis, with a statement from the advisor that he/she has completed all the requirements and is in a position of defending.

V – that the period between the termination and reenrollment in the course is not more than 3 years.

Sole paragraph – Enrollment in subjects during the regular academic period to which this admission refers is prohibited.



Registration and Enrollment

Article 12º – Admission to the Graduate Program in Ecology will take place through a selection process, in accordance with the Specific Public Notice, under the responsibility of the Graduate Program Commission-CPPG.

§1º – The Graduate Program Commission -CPPG shall establish and make the enrollment periods and the selection criteria of the students public.

§2º – Special students may be authorized by the Graduate Program Commission -CPPG to enroll in one or more graduate courses according to the following criteria: the responsible professor will determine whether or not he/she accepts special students; if so, the number of vacancies available will be informed.

Article 13º – At the time of initial enrollment, the student must present the acceptance of an advisor, accredited by the Program.

Sole paragraph – The Coordinator of the Program Committee may assume guidance during the first semester in the absence of a thesis or dissertation advisor.


Section I

On the transfer

Article 14º – According to criteria established by the Program Committee, with approval from CPG, transfers from master’s to doctorate courses may be allowed, as well as from direct doctorate to master’s degree, with use of credits already obtained.

§1º – The regulation and rules of the new course, in force on the transfer date, must be complied with.

§2º – In order to count the time of completion, the date of entry into the first course will be considered.

§3º –Course transfer will be allowed only once.



On the Curriculum Structure

Article 15º – To obtain the Master’s degree, the student must perform the following activities:

I – have demonstrated aptitude in foreign languages, which are chosen based on relevance to the area of ​​knowledge, according to the criteria of Normative Instruction 04;

II – complete the required credits defined in the Catalog of Graduate Courses;

III – pass the Qualification Exams, according to the rules and contents of Normative Instruction 01.

IV – Elaborate a Dissertation, present and be approved in the public defense;

V – Submit an annual Research report, according to the rules and contents of Normative Instruction 03.

VI – Hold meetings with the Monitoring Committee, according to the rules and contents of Normative Instruction 09.

Article 16º – To obtain the PhD degree, the student must perform the following activities:

I – have demonstrated aptitude in foreign languages, which are chosen based on relevance to the area of knowledge, according to the criteria of Normative Instruction 04;

II – complete the required credits defined in the Catalog of Graduate Courses;

III – pass the Qualification Exams, according to the rules and contents of Normative Instruction 01.

IV – Elaborate a Dissertation, present and be approved in the public defense;

V – Submit an annual Research report, according to the rules and contents of Normative Instruction 03.

VI – Hold meetings with the Monitoring Committee, according to the rules and contents of Normative Instruction 09.

Article 17º – The courses taken may be taught by UNICAMP or other institutions, and in the latter case will be subject to the process of credit transfer, which will be forwarded to the Academic Board, after analysis by the Graduate Commission – CPG by opinion of the Program Committee, which will evaluate the relevance of the course to the dissertation or thesis.

Article 18º – The curriculum to be developed by the student, in disciplines and research activities, will be defined based on the Course Catalog prepared by the Graduate Program in Ecology of the Institute of Biology.

§1 – The total number of credits required for the Master’s and Doctorate will be established independently.

§2 – For the student who completed a Master’s Course at UNICAMP and enters a Doctoral Course, the subjects common to the Master’s and Doctoral Courses may be transferred, and the student is exempt from completing the corresponding credits.



On the Titles

Article 19º – In order to obtain the title of Master or PhD, it is necessary to comply with the activities explained in Articles 15 and 16 of these Regulations, that the regimental requirements have been met and that there is a public defense before an Examining Committee, with the approval of a Dissertation or a Thesis, respectively.

Sole paragraph – The titles of Master and Phd shall be those defined in Article 19.

Article 20 – In each Qualification Exam the student will be approved or not, without the attribution of grades, by a majority of the members of the Examining Committee.

§1 – The student who has failed the Qualification Exam may repeat it only once.

§2 – The Examining Committee shall be composed of professors, with a minimum degree of PhD, by indication of the student, chosen according to the criteria of Normative Instruction 01.

Article 21 §– The Examining Committee on the Dissertation or Thesis, according to the Resolution CONSU A-10/2015 shall be composed as follows:

§1º – The advisor, two full members and two alternate members

§2º – Advisor, four full members and four alternate members

§3º – Members who comply with the principles of impersonality and ethics in their relationship with the student, their advisor and other members of the committee may be of the qualification, master’s dissertation or doctoral thesis Examining Committees.

§4 – The public defense session may use videoconferencing resources, as provided for in the General Rules of Graduate Programs of Unicamp.



On the Cancellation of Enrollment

Article 22 – The student will have his/her enrollment automatically canceled in the cases determined in the General Rules of Graduate Studies;



On the Faculty and Professors

Article 23 – Professionals with at least a PhD title, belonging or not to Unicamp staff, will be considered professors of the Graduate programs in Ecology of Unicamp, as long as they are accredited by the Program.


Section I

Accreditation and De-accreditation

Article 24 – The accreditation of a Professor to work with the Graduate Program in Ecology will be in the names of Permanent, Visitor and Collaborator, as defined in the General Regulations for the Graduate Program.

§1 – In compliance with the rules determined by the General Rules of Graduate Studies, the accreditation or de-accreditation of professors will be done by the Program Commission – CPPG approved by the Graduate Committee – CPG and Congregation of the Unit and must meet the requirements of Normative Instruction 06.

§2 – The accreditations of retirees from Unicamp and external professionals must comply with the Normative Instruction, which must follow the Regulations of CCPG and the requirements referred to in §1.


Section II

On the Registration

Article 25 – Professionals can be registered as Temporary Participating Professors in the Graduate Program of Ecology, independent of their affiliation to Unicamp or other institutions, and if they have at least a Doctor’s degree, participate, occasionally, without regularity, in teaching activities or co-orientation, for a semester or for the duration of the specific activity, with a maximum limit of 2 years, renewals being permitted.

§1 – The registration of Temporary Participating Professors will be done in accordance with the rules of Normative Instruction 06.

§2 – All graduate activities assigned to Professors registered as Temporary Participants must have an internal co-responsible of Unicamp, except for Unicamp employees.


Section III

On the Advisor

Article 26 – Each regular student will be guided in his/her activities by an accredited Advisor, teacher, or accredited Professor, according to the criteria of Normative Instruction 06.

Single paragraph. The advisor’s duties are defined in the General Rules of Graduate Studies.


Transitional Provisions

Article 27 – Exceptional cases will be examined by CCPG.

Article 28 – This Regulation shall enter into force after its approval by the CCPG, revoking the provisions to the contrary.









Biology Insitute, Graduate Building, Block O
Avenida Bertrand Russel, s/n, Cidade Universitária Zeferino Vaz – Barão Geraldo
Caixa Postal 6109
CEP 13083-865, Campinas – SP – Brasil
phone: (19) 3521-6373
e-mail: coordeco@unicamp.br

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